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Our stages in video

Early Childhood Education 0-3

Early Childhood Education 3-6

Primary Education

ESO and Baccalaureate 12-18

 More than 11,000 m2 installations

Our school has all the necessary equipment to promote the training and growth of students. Take a virtual look!

Frequently asked questions

What are the pre-registration dates?

Second cycle of early childhood education and primary education: from March 6 to 20 2022

Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO): from March 8 to 20 2022

What documentation should be submitted?

The Departament form must be filled out online and follow the instructions:

The documentation to be attached to the email will be sent to the chosen centre in the first option, along with the receipt of the application, is as follows:

  • Copy of the family bookor other documents related to membership. If the student is in a welcoming situation, the resolution of receipt from the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Families.
  • Copy of the identity document of the applicant(parent or guardian or guardian of fact), or of the residence card indicating the NIE or passport, in the case of foreigners. In the case of foreigners, the identity document of their country of origin. Where the usual address alleged does not match that of the ID or NIE, it must be indicated in the mail you send to the centre, so that the Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona can consult the interoperability address.
  • Copy of the student’s ID card ifyou are over 14 years of age or have a ID despite being under 14 years of age. In an extraordinary way, the identification or affiliation data of foreign students may be credited with the ID, the family book of the country of origin or the alternative documentation that can be provided.
  • If applicable, the supporting documentation of the corresponding priority criteria(specific, general and complementary) for each course.

When and how will we know if our child has entered?

On the dates indicated in the calendar of each course, schools publish the following lists of the pre-registration and enrolment process:

  • List of pre-registration applications at the centre with the provisional score.
  • List of pre-registration requests at the centre with the score once the claims are resolved.
  • List of pre-registration applications at the centre with the final score. This list is not yet the assignment of a place; the definitive relationship of admitted students.
  • List of  students admitted to the centre.
  • You can view course dates from 3 to 16 years on the pre-registration calendar

You will receive the information by email and mobile phone if you have indicated it.

What is the "tiebreaker number"?

This is the number that the system grants the moment  the preenrollment request is posted. In the event that there is more demand for places than those offered, it is the one that will sort the list of applications.

What else should be done once the place is assigned?

The next step will be to enrol the student assigned to the school: you will receive instructions on how to do so.

Do I have to pay to apply for pre-registration?

Concerted centres may not receive any amount for pre-registration, reservation of a place or other concepts.

What happens if we do not live in the area of influence?

In the case of our school, not living in the district of Sant Gervasi does not exclude from being able to enrol in the centre.

What is NIA?

NIA or RALC is the student identification number. If you change schools, you must apply to the current school.

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